TCU is a place of spirited belonging where 角蛙s have long found connection 通过我们的文化和传统.
Cheerleader Chad Schrotel ’82 helped our gesture of unity catch on with 的 crowds in 1980. Appropriately, it’s like a peace sign with slightly curled fingers, symbolizing 的 horns of our tiny, mighty mascot, 的 horned frog.
At more than 100 years old, “Riff Ram” is rumored to be 的 oldest chant in 的 Southwest Conference, where we rose to popularity in 的 early days of intercollegiate sports. 里夫,拉姆,巴,动物园!
TCU has featured costumed mascots on 的 sidelines of football games since 的 1930s. SuperFrog, created in 1979, had to evolve a bit before being named a 前 25 College 吉祥物的 《bc体育》.
测试压力? Rub 的 nose of 的 pointy horned frog statue between Sadler 和 里德大厅为额外的运气. No one knows exactly who started this, but it’s a thing. (嘿,这也无妨.)